define newline endef define OPACK_PACKER_CONTENT = { "description": "OpenBSD ${OPACK_SYS_VERSION} ${OPACK_SYS_ARCHITECTURE}", "variables": { "box_tag": "${OPACK_SYS_HOSTNAME}-${OPACK_TARGET}-{{ timestamp }}", "disk_size": "${OPACK_SYS_DISK_SIZE}", "memory": "${OPACK_SYS_MEMORY}", "cpus": "${OPACK_SYS_CPU}", "version": "${OPACK_BOX_VERSION}" }, "builders": [ { "type": "qemu", "vm_name": "${OPACK_SYS_HOSTNAME}-${OPACK_TARGET}", "cpus": "{{user `cpus`}}", "memory": "{{user `memory`}}", "headless": ${OPACK_SYS_HEADLESS}, "boot_key_interval": "10ms", "disk_size": "{{user `disk_size`}}", "disk_interface": "virtio", "disk_compression": true, "http_directory": "./http", "iso_urls": "${OPACK_SYS_ISO_URL}", "iso_checksum": "sha256:${OPACK_SYS_ISO_SHA256SUM}", "net_device": "virtio-net", "communicator": "ssh", "ssh_username": "root", "ssh_private_key_file": "vagrant.key", "ssh_wait_timeout": "60m", "shutdown_command": "shutdown -p now", "boot_wait": "30s", "boot_command": [ "S", "# ~~~ OPACK - OpenBSD Packing ~~~~", "# ${OPACK_COMMIT} ", $(if $(filter-out snapshots 7.0 7.1, ${OPACK_SYS_VERSION}),"dhclient vio0 ","ifconfig vio0 inet autoconf "), "& sleep 1 && wait && ftp http://{{ .HTTPIP }}:{{ .HTTPPort }}/install.conf && ftp http://{{ .HTTPIP }}:{{ .HTTPPort }}/autodisklabel && install -af install.conf && echo permit nopass :wheel > /mnt/etc/doas.conf && ", $(if $(filter-out snapshots 7.0 7.1, ${OPACK_SYS_VERSION}),"echo dhcp > /mnt/etc/hostname.vio0 && echo http://${OPACK_SYS_SERVER}/pub/OpenBSD/ > /mnt/etc/installurl ","echo inet autoconf > /mnt/etc/hostname.vio0 && echo PubkeyAcceptedAlgorithms +ssh-rsa >> /mnt/etc/ssh/sshd_config "), "&& reboot" ] } ], "provisioners": [ { "type": "shell", "scripts": ["../../"] } ], "post-processors": [ [ { "name": "vagrant", "type": "vagrant", "compression_level": 9, "output": "../${OPACK_BOX_FILE}" } ] ] } endef define OPACK_PACKER_CLOUD_CONTENT = { "description": "OpenBSD ${OPACK_SYS_VERSION} ${OPACK_SYS_ARCHITECTURE} cloud", "variables": { "box_tag": "${OPACK_SYS_HOSTNAME}-${OPACK_TARGET}-{{ timestamp }}", "disk_size": "${OPACK_SYS_DISK_SIZE}", "memory": "${OPACK_SYS_MEMORY}", "cpus": "${OPACK_SYS_CPU}", "gcloud_account_json": "../../${GCE_JSON_KEY}", "gcloud_project_id": "${GCE_PROJECT}", "version": "${OPACK_BOX_VERSION}" }, "builders": [ { "type": "qemu", "format": "raw", "vm_name": "disk.raw", "cpus": "{{user `cpus`}}", "memory": "{{user `memory`}}", "headless": ${OPACK_SYS_HEADLESS}, "boot_key_interval": "10ms", "disk_size": "{{user `disk_size`}}", "disk_interface": "virtio", "disk_compression": true, "http_directory": "./http", "iso_urls": "${OPACK_SYS_ISO_URL}", "iso_checksum": "sha256:${OPACK_SYS_ISO_SHA256SUM}", "net_device": "virtio-net", "communicator": "ssh", "ssh_username": "root", "ssh_private_key_file": "${OPACK_SYS_SSH_PRIVATE_KEY}", "ssh_wait_timeout": "60m", "shutdown_command": "shutdown -p now", "boot_wait": "30s", "boot_command": [ "S", "# ~~~ OPACK - OpenBSD Packing ~~~~", "# ${OPACK_COMMIT} ", $(if $(filter-out snapshots 7.0 7.1, ${OPACK_SYS_VERSION}),"dhclient vio0 ","ifconfig vio0 inet autoconf "), "& sleep 1 && wait && ftp http://{{ .HTTPIP }}:{{ .HTTPPort }}/install.conf && ftp http://{{ .HTTPIP }}:{{ .HTTPPort }}/autodisklabel && install -af install.conf && echo permit nopass :wheel > /mnt/etc/doas.conf && ", $(if $(filter-out snapshots 7.0 7.1, ${OPACK_SYS_VERSION}),"echo dhcp > /mnt/etc/hostname.vio0 && echo http://${OPACK_SYS_SERVER}/pub/OpenBSD/ > /mnt/etc/installurl ","echo inet autoconf > /mnt/etc/hostname.vio0 && echo PubkeyAcceptedAlgorithms +ssh-rsa >> /mnt/etc/ssh/sshd_config "), "&& reboot" ] } ], "provisioners": [ { "type": "file", "source": "$(PROTECME_TOP_DIR)/src", "destination": "/root/magma" }, { "type": "file", "source": "$(PROTECME_SPEC_DIR)/openbsd", "destination": "/var/spec2006src" }, { "type": "shell", "scripts": ["../../"] } ], "post-processors": [ [ { "name": "Compress", "type": "compress", "compression_level": 9, "output": "disk.raw.tar.gz" }, { "name": "GCP Import", "type": "googlecompute-import", "project_id": "{{user `gcloud_project_id`}}", "account_file": "{{user `gcloud_account_json`}}", "bucket": "${GCE_BUCKET}", "image_name": "${OPACK_TARGET}", "image_description": "${OPACK_COMMIT}", "image_family": "openbsd", "keep_input_artifact": true } ] ] } endef define OPACK_INSTALL_CONTENT = Choose your keyboard layout = fr System hostname = ${OPACK_SYS_HOSTNAME}-${OPACK_TARGET} Which network interface = vio0 IPv4 address for vio0 = dhcp IPv6 address for vio0 = none Password for root account = ${OPACK_SYS_PASSWORD} Public ssh key for root account = ${OPACK_SYS_SSH_KEY} Allow root ssh login = prohibit-password Do you expect to run the X Window System = ${OPACK_SYS_XENOCARA} Setup a user = ${OPACK_SYS_USER} Password for user ${OPACK_SYS_USER} = ${OPACK_SYS_PASSWORD} Public ssh key for ${OPACK_SYS_USER} = ${OPACK_SYS_SSH_KEY} Allow root ssh login = prohibit-password What timezone = ${OPACK_SYS_TIMEZONE} Which disk = sd0 Use (W)hole disk or (E)dit the MBR = whole URL to autopartitioning template for disklabel = file:/autodisklabel Use (A)uto layout, (E)dit auto layout, or create (C)ustom layout = A Location of sets = ${OPACK_SYS_SETS_LOCATION} HTTP Server = ${OPACK_SYS_SERVER} Server directory = pub/OpenBSD/${OPACK_SYS_VERSION}/${OPACK_SYS_ARCHITECTURE} Unable to connect using https. Use http instead = yes #Pathname to the sets = ${OPACK_SYS_VERSION_NUMBER}/amd64 Set name(s) = ${OPACK_SYS_SETS} done Directory does not contain SHA256.sig. Continue without verification = ${OPACK_NO_SIGCHK} Signature check of SHA256.sig failed. Continue without verification = no Cannot determine prefetch area. Continue without verification = yes Location of sets? = done endef define OPACK_METADATA_CONTENT = { "name": "${OPACK_BOX_TAG}", "description": "OPACK - $(OPACK_COMMIT)", "versions": [ { "version": "${OPACK_BOX_VERSION}", "providers": [ { "name": "libvirt", "url": "${OPACK_BOX_FILE}", "checksum_type": "sha256", "checksum": "${OPACK_BOX_FILE_SHA256}" } ] } ] } endef